On Monday 20th February 2023 a Walnut tree was planted, beside the bench by the Dunn Village Hall, as Warbleton Parish Council’s contribution to the ‘Queen’s Green Canopy’ scheme launched last year and extended to March 2023.

Those attending the planting ceremony included the Chairman of the Parish Council Andrew Long, Councillor Chris Wells and East Sussex County Councillor & Wealden District Councillor Bob Bowdler.

The tree was provided by Stavertons Nursery in Halland, and the planting was adeptly carried out by Phil Cottingham from Stavertons.

The tree and all the costs associated with the tree which included the planting costs and the plaque were paid for by the Parish Council using CIL* funds.

*The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge which can be levied by local authorities on new development in their area. It allows local authorities to collect money from developments to assist with the delivery infrastructure that is required to support development in and around the district. Under the requirement, 15% of the CIL collected as a result of development is passed to the relevant Town/ Parish Council. This is called the ‘meaningful proportion’.