The Warbleton & District Horticultural and Poultry Society will be holding its Annual General Meeting at 2.00pm, Saturday 15th March, in the Dunn Village Hall. The meeting will be followed by a cream tea. All members and prospective new members welcome.

They say: “We are looking for new members to join us and also for volunteers who could ass their time and skills to ours, in order to keep the society fresh, vibrant and exciting in our activities – especially for Show Day. The major event for Society is the hugely popular ‘Summer Show on the Green’ (AKA the RG Flower Show), which is a highlight of the local calendar, attracting people from miles around. This year’s Summer Show (the Society’s 90th) is on Saturday 26th July 2025.

The upcoming AGM in March is a great opportunity to find out more about the society and its many activities – and a chance to chat with members of the committee.

It scone to be jammy.

More details about the Society and its activities at :