The Village Leaf welcomes Tony Field, the new Shopkeeper of the Rushlake Green Village Stores, seen here with his team: Julia Benning and Charlie Carr. Tony wants customers to be reassured that it’s “very much business as usual” at the stores. He is very keen to maintain those things that have made The Stores so popular with local residents, and shoppers will find that customer-specific services like paper and magazine reservations, and special orders, are continuing without any disruption. Tony is also eager to hear, from customers, any ideas for products or services that could build on the shop’s success. People can get in touch via The Store’s new email address, or by commenting on the new Stores Facebook page (see below) – where the new team’s refreshing ‘shop local, source local, reduce impact’ ethos is beginning to be evidenced. And of course all the team would welcome comments and suggestions from customers as they shop. In the meantime some new product lines are beginning to appear in the shop and there’ll be offers – such as 1/2 price tea and coffee refills – to reward customers. And a current promotion of two bags of crisps for £1 is already proving popular. News, products and offers will be posted on the Facebook page, so it’s worth keeping an eye on that. There’s already plenty to see.

Rushlake Green Village Stores email: (
Facebook search: @rgvssussex / or click this link: Rushlake Green Village Stores)