If you missed Sussex Harmony at last year’s Little Arts Festival, there’s another chance to hear them in a concert of 18th and 19th Century music from the pubs and pulpits of rural Sussex with readings from a local farmer’s diaries.
Where: Ringmer Village Hall, Lewes Road, Ringmer, Lewes BN8 5QH
When: Friday, 30th May, 7:30pm
How much? Free, thanks to Ringmer History Group
The singers and players wear period costume to perform music from village churches, from a time before there were organs, choirboys, hymn books or gowns. There was nothing staid or boring when Quires, usually seated in the West Gallery of the church, encouraged their congregations to sing. And they were accompanied by such musicians, from the village band, as were available (and sober) .
Sussex Harmony sings with vigour and enthusiasm, making the most of the tunes written before the later period of strict formality. Each part has its own instrument, including oboe, violin, clarinet, and double-bass.
For more details, contact Paula Nicholson at paula@onelbc.org.uk
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