Clubs, Societies and Groups
Local clubs, groups and societies
Please note: This page is still in a process of review. In the meantime, we welcome any errors or omissions you can identify. Please email rushlakegreenvillage@gmail.com with your corrections. Thank you. Ed.
This section is devoted to local groups and societies that draw people together across the community of Rushlake Green and its surrounding areas.
- Rushlake Green W.I. (Women’s Institute)
- The Village Players – Drama
- Warbleton Brass Band
- Warbleton & district Horticultural Society
- White Horse Folk Club
- Winter and Summer Solstice – Morris Dancers
Other clubs and societies (many of whom are adding entries soon) include: Coffee and Company, Bonfire Society, etc.
Rushlake Green W.I.
Welcome to your local W.I. Our speakers cover a huge variety of topics and we get involved in a variety of social occasions and money-raising activities, all of which are very well attended. We don’t sing Jerusalem but we do have some excellent jam and preserve makers and some very good cooks whose wares are tasted regularly. WI provides many opportunities to learn new crafts and skills and also engages in debates and actions on many public affairs. We are a happy group and members find friendship and support when they need it. We meet on the fourth Thursday of each month in the Dunn Village hall at 7.30 pm. Interested? Phone Marian on 01435 831653 or Sharon on 01435 812388
Village Players
The Rushlake Green Village Players is an amateur dramatic society that stages several productions every year, including dramas, comedies, musicals and pantomimes. The speed with which tickets generally sell out is a testimony to the high standards of entertainment achieved. The group is always keen to attract new members. So if you have a particular skill, or you’re just keen to have a go, you’re very welcome to join. Involvement could be acting, singing, assisting with stage design or construction, providing technical support or helping out back-stage or front of house.
Warbleton Brass Band
The Band was established well over one hundred years ago and has provided a musical focus for Rushlake Green for generations. Whether you hear them practising on band nights in the village hall, see them at their formal concerts or welcome them with festive fare as they go caroling around the Green, you can be certain that these dedicated musicians are following a well-established village tradition. They provide entertainment at the annual Flower Show, at local fetes, at nearby Hever Castle. They can be hired for private functions. Please book early to avoid disappointment. New members are always very welcome, and band-night is every Friday in Dunn Hall, 7.45 to 9.45. Contact Sian Buss (Musical Director) 01273 493469 and website www.warbletonbrassband.co.uk
Warbleton and district Horticultural Society
*to be added*
Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice Morris
Our Morris group, from the Punnetts Town area, performs in celebration of the Winter and Summer Solstices. In winter we dance Welsh Border Morris from the border counties of Shropshire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. The dances are noted for their wild, energetic style, and are traditionally danced during the Yuletide season. In summer the group consists of Cherry Clack Garland Dancers performing dances from the north west of England, and Blackdown Morris Men performing their own style of Cotswold Morris based on the Adderbury tradition from Oxfordshire. We also perform Mummers Plays: at Easter as the Punnetts Town Pace-eggers and at Christmas / New Year as Winter solstice Mummers. Contact Jim Edmonds on 01435 830856 / james.edmonds1@btopenworld.com