The Warbleton Parish Council website is a good source of accurate information and links, relating to Covid Safety and also the lates on local vaccinations. On the website you can also read two recent updates by our local MP Huw Merriman, with the latest news about local access, for qualifying people, to vaccinations in Uckfield.  Huw has been very active in pressing for changes that will allow more local GPs to offer vaccinations. Up to now, the problem has been that local GPs like the Heathfield Surgery are not equipped to handle the Pfizer vaccine which requires storage at -70C and has other logistical hurdles that make it better suited to larger centres.

On January 15th Huw Merriman reported:

“Whilst I have been successful in getting NHS England to reopen the window for GPs to sign up to the vaccination delivery, I now need to make the case for NHS England to change, and simplify, the terms of the contract for GPs so they sign up. I have asked that a new form of contract be offered to GPs which would deliver the Astra Zeneca vaccine only and have more flexibility on opening hours. With this type of contract, our GPs in Heathfield, Cross in Hand, and other rural parishes and towns, would be more able to sign up and then start delivering the vaccine locally. If pharmacists can offer this vaccination model, or mobile units can attend with Astra Zeneca, then we should be able to equip our GPs with Astra Zeneca only so they can play their part. GPs know the challenges of their patients best of all. They have demonstrated that they can vaccinate when delivering the flu vaccine. We need to ensure our GPs have access to the same contract offer.”

You can read Huw’s reports, and get more useful information on the WPC website.
Just click this link: