Get Involved
The Little Arts project is about encouraging as many people as possible to feel they can get actively involved. It could be through one of the many art groups that helped to put activities together for the 2016 Little Arts Festival. It could be as an artist contributing artwork, a poem or a performance. Whatever works best for you, we hope you will feel inspired to get involved and help make the Little Arts project an even bigger success in the future.
Get in touch by emailing thelittleartsinfo@gmail.com
In the meantime, a few of the festival projects continue for anyone to have a go at.
Little history of your House
We’re still looking for people who can share the history of their house – when it was built, who has lived there, what they did, who they married, how the house changed and evolved over the years. In words, in pictures, in poems, in songs.
Little history of your House
Simply send a postcard, with some art on it, to The Stores, Rushlake Green, East Sussex, TN21 9QL. It could be a poem, a story, a fact, a drawing, a photo, a cutting or a collage. All the postcards will be combined to create a collective work.