Local Community Websites

Local Community Websites

Please note: This page is still in a process of review. In the meantime, we welcome any errors or omissions you can identify. Please email rushlakegreenvillage@gmail.com with your corrections. Thank you. Ed.

Here’s a list of some of the other local community websites. Together, they provide a great source of local information and contacts. It you can think of any others we can add please send details to rushlakegreenvillage@googlemail.com


The Warbleton Parish Council website includes Council meetings and planning issues, and encompasses Rushlake Green and Bodle Street Green, together with the hamlets of Warbleton and Three Cups as the main areas of settlement within the parish of Warbleton.

The Warbleton Church website gives information about the local church and its services, activities and contacts: https://www.warbletonchurch.org.uk
The latest copy of the Parish Magazine can be seen here: monthly parish magazine.


The Burwash village site is run by the Parish Council and is very comprehensive – with plans for further enhancement over time. Some useful local trade entries, a good section on local attractions (including Batemans of course) and some interesting editorial, contributed by talented local people, on topics such as sustainability.


Hailsham has a website:
http://www.hailsham-tc.gov.uk/ which focuses mainly on Council matters but which has some general information.


In addition to the Heathfield and Waldron Parish Council website:
http://www.hwpc.org.uk/default.aspx there is also Heathfield.net, a “service provided by the Heathfield Partnership Trust Company Ltd, a charity, and it is designed to inform residents and visitors of what the town and community have to offer”


This website has an interesting section  on local history and an extensive directory of local businesses


Horam Parish Council website includes Vines Cross

Mayfield & Five Ashes

A website with sections for both the Parish Council and the villages of Mayfield and Five Ashes. Includes directory, guide to walks, village news and diary of events: https://mayfieldfiveashes.org.uk/

Transition Mayfield
In addition to the main Mayfield Parish and Village website, there is also a website for ‘Transition Mayfield’:  http://www.transitionmayfield.org.uk/2.html
In response to the twin pressures of Peak Oil and Climate Change, some pioneering communities in the UK, Ireland and beyond are taking an integrated and inclusive approach to reduce their carbon footprint and increase their ability to withstand the fundamental shift that will accompany Peak Oil. One of those communities is Mayfield. The goal of the Transition Mayfield is: “a sustainable future?achieved through community led projects?which will enhance the social, environmental and ?economic well-being of our village”.

Punnetts Town

The Punnetts Town website acted as a focus for the campaign to raise funds for the new village hall and surgery.