Conquering Covid . . .
How to stay safe and well
This page contains copies of links and contacts that will help us all stay safe, look after our well-being and support others in our community
Send any info you’d like added to rushlakegreenvillage@gmail.com and we will try to include it
We only publish material and links for trusted sources such as UK Government, NHS, BBC and local support networks.
Up to date Government information can be found here:
(Updated regurlarly)
Good and detailed advice for everyone, from the NHS
(Updated regularly)
Local info
Local Covid-19 Community Network (LCCN)
01435 898020 between 8.30am and 7pm each day
Rushlake Green Village Stores
Please check for updates on the Villages Stores facebook https://www.facebook.com/rgvssussex/
General info
Business Support from the Government
East Sussex County Council Coronavirus info
Wealden info