Set in the stunning landscapes of rural Ireland in the early eighties, a quiet, neglected girl is sent away from her overcrowded, dysfunctional family to live with foster parents for the summer. She blossoms in their care, but in this house where there are meant to be no secrets, she discovers a painful truth.

This faultlessly beautiful and controlled debut feature from Director Colm Bairéad deservedly won Best Film at the 2022 Irish Film & TV Awards. The Quiet Girl was released on 12th May so well done the Depot Lewes for getting it to their screens this week. It’s on there until 19th May.

The Guardian review said this about this unmissable film: “While The Quiet Girl, Colm Bairéad’s multi-award-winning Irish-language drama, might be small in scale, it’s one of the most exquisitely realised films of the year”. . . . “The quiet girl is Cáit (the remarkable Catherine Clinch), one of an ever-expanding brood of neglected kids on an impoverished smallholding in early-80s rural Ireland. With her mother expecting yet another baby, and her father skulking sullenly in the background like an unspoken threat, Cáit is sent to stay with distant relatives: warm, wise Eibhlín (Carrie Crowley) wraps her in love immediately; Seán (Andrew Bennett) is taciturn and reserved but no less bonded to the child.”
(Read full Guardian review here)