If ever there was a time when shopping locally for Christmas made sense, this surely is it. Whether it’s supporting our amazing Rushlake Green Village Stores (& Post Office), or being inspired by the incredible range of affordable gifts at the Black Shed Pop-up throughout the month, or making best use of all the excellent shops in and around Heathfield, Horam, Hailsham, and beyond, surely it makes sense on every level. It supports local traders (many of them small and very local), it’s more fun than clicking on a computer screen, and it’s better for our carbon footprint. If you have a favourite local shop, perhaps an undiscovered treasure, please let us hear about it, and we’ll share it here.

For more about the latest in the Rushlake Green Village Stores, follow them on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rgvssussex / @rgvssussex.


For more about the Black Shed Pop-up go to our page: https://rushlakegreenvillage.co.uk/black-shed-pop-up-shop/ or click the link under ‘Fresh Green Pages’ at the top of the screen. And get the latest news Black Shed on our facebook page: @RushlakeGreenVillageLeaf / https://www.facebook.com/RushlakeGreenVillageLeaf