The Village Leaf is a free resource for the local community. All the editorial work is voluntary but we still have some costs for keeping the website functioning and, when necessary, adding new features. We rely on donations from those who value having the Village Leaf as an independent source of information and a method for publicising local events, activities, organisations, services and enterprises. Our reserves are now running very low, with some website bills to pay, so we need to politely ask you to consider making a modest donation of £10 – £25, which will be hugely helpful.

One of our loyal donors recently suggested that we should provide banking info for anyone wishing to make a direct donation. So here are the details for an online or bank payment:
Payee name: Village Leaf Fund
Bank: Natwest
Sort Code: 60-10-30
Account number: 11592230
Please put your name or contact in the ‘Payment reference’ space. Please also email with details of the payment so we can make sure it arrives safely and acknowledge your donation.
If you prefer to provide a cheque, this should be made payable to ‘Village Leaf Fund’ and can be dropped off to Nigel McKeeman c/o the Village Stores or at Tudor Cottage. Or contact us at
Note: although we are non-profit, we are too small to make it practicable to register as a charity.