Rushlake Green Village Leaf community website – established Jan 2011 as a place for positive thoughts, ideas and stories. Contributions welcome: rushlakegreenvillage@gmail.com. Here’s a link to our facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/RushlakeGreenVillageLeaf
About Green Pages
About Arts Index
Send us your ideas for how to keep busy and feeling positive, even if isolated. What is your escape? Reading that novel? Planting vegetables? Quilt making? Taking up painting again? Virtual bridge? Poetry? Yoga? Rekindling your musical skills? Our tip of the day:...
Our community’s thoughts are already turning to how best to support those amongst us who need it most. We are aware of several individuals and groups that are drawing up lists of those who are keen to volunteer help, and have begun identifying those that might need...
EVENTS on hold
Many local events, such as the WildFlower meeting on March 28th, have been postponed for obvious reasons. If you have an update about your event, please let us know at rushlakegreenvillage@gmail.com
Amongst the frenzy of chatter about Corona virus, two sources can be relied upon for practical advice. The Government website page (https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response) gives links to amongst other things, the NHS...
Sun-dried Teabags . . . . . Really?
Reducing single use plastic, re-cycling more and buying products that are kinder to the environment is something many of us clearly want to achieve. We are fortunate in that the Village Stores has an ever increasing range of eco-friendly products. Washing liquids for...
Even a Village Leaf needs a magic money tree from time to time – Please support us
The Village Leaf is a free resource for the local community. All the editorial work is voluntary but we still have some costs for keeping the website functioning and, when necessary, adding new features. We rely on donations from those who value having the Village...
Garden Project Uncorked
The February Wine Tasting event, in the Dunn Village Hall, marked the start of fundraising for the Osborne House garden project. The plan is to create a tranquil haven, with walking and seating areas, for House residents and their visitors. The Wine Tasting was...
What can I do about CLIMATE CHANGE
Lots of people have asked us to create some room for ideas that will help to make Rushlake Green a little greener. Initiatives to nurture the natural environment around us. Hints on how to reduce our carbon footprint. Information about how to cut landfill waste....
A Tree is for Life
'Planting trees' features prominently in many lists of ways to combat the climate crisis. Now is still a good time of year to plant, while trees are still dormant. The received wisdom seems to be that a good approach is to choose native trees that fit well into the...
Verge in Soil
Find out more about how you can encourage wildflowers to flourish in and around Warbleton. Help restore your verge with bio-diversity. Identify wildflowers, and swap seeds & plants. 'Warbleton Wildflowers' invites you to an event, at Bodle Street Green Village...
Less Carbon More Local
Buying locally produced goods has got to make carbon sense. Buying them from our local shop is even better. Here are just some of the excellent locally produced items that can be found in the Rushlake Green Village Stores. - Nothiam Dairy milk, creams and yoghurts -...
In Fitness and in Health
As part of our Village Leaf refresh, we're planning to bring back our section on local providers of activities and services relating to Fitness, Health end Well-being. If you offer a services, or run a group, which you think we may not already know about please...
YES THEY CAN – work in progress at Osborne House
Warbleton Housing Association are pleased to announce that refurbishment works are under way at Osborne House, Rushlake Green, to upgrade the community room. Osborne House dates back to the early 1960s and was originally built with the community room separate lacking...
Wine Tasting and Supper for Osborne House Garden Fund
Don't miss the opportunity to attend this fund raising event, supported by CUCULO DELI, on the 8th February 2020 at 7.30pm in the Dunn Village Hall, Rushlake Green. James from the Cuculo Deli will give a talk about Italian Wines, and various wines will be available to...
Green to be Read
We're planning some features looking at different ways to become a little more environmentally friendly in our everyday lives, and we want your help. Please let us know any topics you'd like us to cover or where maybe you've got some knowledge or experience to share....
A Great Big Breakfast
Fund-raising for the Village Hall, the Big Breakfast from 9.00-11.00am, Sunday 2nd February 2020, in the Dunn Village Hall, Rushlake Green. Ticket price £7.50 for fried breakfast, pastries, coffee/tea & orange juice. (Bucks Fizz Bar extra). Raffle. Tickets from...
Off to a flying start
The Warbleton & District Horticultural & Poultry Society's Annual General Meeting, Tuesday 14th January 7.30pm in the DVH, will include an illustrated talk by Air Ambulance Kent, Surrey and Sussex - about "how they work, innovate and save lives". Everyone is...
Welcome back Sandy
A familiar face has returned to the Rushlake Green Post Office. Sandy Jones ran the sub post office in its original location off the main shop until, in 2011, it was forced to close for a number of years, due to the shop reorganisation and changes in how the post...
We asked Tony to list ten things you may not know about the Rushlake Green Village Stores and what it stocks. He told us . . . 1) We are offering a pre-order service for Christmas essentials (bread, milk, butter, mince pies etc) to ensure that locals and regulars...
We understand that a road closure, from 18th November 2019 to 8th March 2020, in Windmill Hill will result in the traffic that used to transit through Bodle Street Green being diverted through Rushlake Green in both directions. For up to date information about all...
We're already looking forward to the Christmas & Vintage Fair, in the Dunn Village Hall, on the last Saturday of November this year. The organisers tell us that we can expect Handcrafted cards, Gifts, Chutneys and Preserves, Candles and Soaps, Silversmith...
The ‘Hits of 1969’ live gig, on 5th October 2019 in the Dunn Village Hall Rushlake Green, was a brilliant success. The whole event, including takings at the door and in advance, the raffle (with many generous prizes from local businesses), the bar (all drink and...
GREEN PAGES is (coming) back
Get a sneak preview of our GREEN PAGES (classified entries from local providers), making a welcome return following a technical hiatus. You'll find a 'Green Pages' preview in the drop-down from the 'Local Information' tab at the top right corner of the screen. or...
HITS OF 1969 – Live Music Sat 5th October, 7.30pm Dunn Village Hall
Don't miss the welcome return of the 'Nothing is real' band, along with 'Jill, Marilyn & Andy' and 'Geoff' singing popular hits from 50 years ago. Entry is just £5 (bargain). BOOK NOW in the Rushlake Green VILLAGE STORES, or pay on the door. Selling fast. This...